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This version was saved 17 years, 6 months ago View current version     Page history
Saved by PBworks
on April 12, 2007 at 1:24:59 pm

Click "Edit this page" to play with this page!


Do whatever you want with it!


Then click "Save" to see what happens.


Before you start, check that you're in the new 'easy editing' mode. If there's no toolbar at the top use the Switch in the top right corner.


Change text appearance, add images, make just a link to the webtools siteand there are some great tools available from Insert Plugin. Not sure what they all do yet, myself.








That's one of the Plugins. Probably says just 1!



Here's another that should pick up some notes from a web log . . . hmm doesn't seem to do much. I'll try another day.



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